Legal Description & Statistics
Why Canyon Gate?
The Owners
The Areas
Design Theory
Construction & Maintenance
House Features
Why Canyon Gate?

Canyon Gate Country Club
2001 Canyon Gate Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89117
(702) 363-0303

Constructed 11-01-1998
  • 18-Hole Golf Course designed by Ted Robinson (6769 Yards, Par 72)
  • 5 Tennis Courts (individually lit)
  • Pool/Aquatic Center
  • T-R-S 21-60-5
  • Fitness Club
Why Canyon Gate?

We chose Canyon Gate 20 years ago for the following reasons:
  • Canyon Gate is very close to The Las Vegas Strip and Downtown (7 miles) a 10 minute drive
  • Canyon Gate is located on the West Side of Las Vegas which features The Red Rock Rec Area
  • Canyon Gate features a terrific Golf Course and Country Club
  • Canyon Gate features houses that are scaled correctly... There are very few oversized homes
  • Canyon Gate is maintained to a very high level
  • Canyon Gate is fully developed so there are very few construction projects
  • Canyon Gate is surrounded by retail and many restaurants including Downtown Summerlin
  • Canyon Gate features several double gated areas for added safety and security
  • Canyon Gate is a great walking and cycling district
  • Canyon Gate is "green" all year long (The course over-seeds each fall)
  • Canyon Gate has been home to many famous people over the years including Comedian Rich Little, MLB Shane Victorino (Phillies, Red Sox), Comedian Jimmie Walker, MLB Marty Barret (Red Sox)
  • Canyon Gate is a little cooler in the summer since it sits approximately 2000' above the valley floor